perhaps you've walked by one of the 8.6 million ads for one of the dozen ABC shows all premiering this week ("national stay at home week" = fake thing), anyway.... if you did then you know that grey's anatomy had its premiere tonight. so i got all wrapped up in staring at my favorite television people for the past two hours shaking with excitement and holding in my pee for as long as i could so i could keep fast forwarding through commercials so the episode felt more like a feature film.... i made it about 45 minutes before it became a national emergency that i pee. h'anyway....then it was over and i got all nice and warm in my blanket and started to get tired and my eyes started to get droopy, and i started having thoughts about what i'll be wearing tomorrow, then i started seeing a bright light and mcdreamy walking towards me...... THEN i remembered about the blog! right when mcdreamy was about to enter into my life..... oh cruel world!!
so here's the pic. 700 billion dollars to whoever can tell me exactly whats happening in the picture. oh wait, we don't have that money. the govt wants us to GIVE them that money, no strings attached.... brilliant! why didn't we think of this sooner?? i say we all just send over our bank account info and pin's so they can just take out money whenever its convenient for them. umm, basically i should have an MBA and be president for coming up with that genius plan. thoughts? (i know, bitter party of two over here).
stay tuned tomorrow when i start falling asleep to my taped episode of project runway then remember about the pho[365]. goodnight!
We all got together and had a little chat today. We decided that you need to stop talking about pee. Now and forever. It's the most disgusting thing we've ever heard and it makes us want to throw up in our mouths. Oh, and by "we" I mean the World.
i hate you
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