apologies to my cohort . (cohort? we'll work on it...) is that a new camera i see down below?? (ARE YOU SAD?!)
so its day 1 and i'm already late posting. way to kick off a great 365 blog! but i did take this image on the official kick-off day of pho365, i swear!
this is a woozy image brought to you courtesy of amtrak's regional 167 train from boston to who the hell knows where. (that train goes all the way to freaking guam for all i know.) photo was taken from my phone so i apologize for the poor color quality, but the blur is on purpose..... i hope you figured that out. anyway, this picture is appropriate mostly because its how i feel whenever i take this train that is literally so full there are people sitting on the floors. madness.
highlights of this amtrak trip included - random 50ish woman getting arrested (and being pregnant while being arrested, making the whole thing even more odd), crazy chatty behind me talking to no one but herself and saying over and over "i didn't know where to charge my blackberry. I didnt know. I wasn't sure where to charge it, my blackberry, and i just didn't know. did you know because i didn't know!??!" for about.... 3 hours, and finally the block island team of 4 20-somethings all tanned and beach worn looking, talking loudly about how much they drank and how great of a time they had on block island and me, through my hatred of their happiness, wishing i had gone to block island.
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