Today, my phirst phree day since I've been here, I ventured out to Yonge and Dundas Streets! If you don't know what that is, don't worry. I don't either. Apparently it's part of the downtown shopping district here in TO and it sure is hoppin'. I'm in the largest mall I've ever seen and guess what I phound among all the Gaps and American Eagles and Abercrombie and Phitchs? Phree WiPhi! Holla! So I wipped out my computer and hopped on the world-wide winternet to bring you this photo (actually spelled with a "ph"). The elevators in this mall (oh, it certainly is three phloors) are the glass kind that aren't enclosed so you can see all the inner-workings. I think they're pretty nifty and especially against the glass and grid ceiling. I was trying to get a better shot of the ceiling and all three floors up here on the top but it wasn't working. This came out much cooler and you still get to see some of the ceiling. Enjoy, phaithphul readers!

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