i'm sure i could sit down and do some math and calculate the percentage of time i spend underground with my friends at the MTA but i don't do math and can't add or divide anything above single digits. so my best guess is this.... i spend too much fuckin time on the subway. today was one of those magical days where the train pulled in right as i was getting to the bottom of the stairs and the air conditioner was working, there were no smelly people and no chatty teenagers. there was an old man talking to himself as he napped across from me, but hey... you can't win em all. let's not get greedy here. i snapped this shot as the train was leaving the station after i got off at my stop. it was a curiously empty station and the lighting was nice so i thought, what the hell.... let's see if this picture comes out. and come out it did!!
ps. riding the subway is not the highlight of my day, despite my apparent obsession with it in this blog. the highlights of my day were: seeing a movie with my favorite girls and seeing rachel dratch there too!, frenchie soup and fries and the diner of mirrors (scary), and then buying some sexy box o' color at the duane reade (hey kira!).
happy friday, all!
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