Tuesday, September 30, 2008

we've been doing this for 30 days??!

listen kids. i believe the lesson we're learning from the bailout is that new york (read: US) is indeed for sale. i understand this little car flyer thing is about some kind of crazy landlord raising rent (not cool) and something about a judge.... i'm not really sure but i choose to read into it as a secret message specifically about our economy. there's also a larger graphic design lesson here. people skip right on by that small text you spend so much time coming up with to be witty and smart in and go right to the large words in a snazzy color or, in our case, to the picture. you haven't even read our other posts, have you?? idk what i'm talking about.... the nasal allergies have invaded my brain and its clear that i'm ready for bed.

gnight all!

Day 29 likes people of all races, religions and intolerances.

Tonight is the beginning of Rosh Hashana which, for those of you who don't know, is the Jewish new year. Roneet is here and we worked together to make dinner and prepare all the rituals that both our families have. My dear friend Ken came to dinner. Eddie was also there. Ken. Respectful, curious, open-minded Ken. He wanted to wear a kippa and I showed him my vast collection so he could choose one he liked. He picked the one from my bar mitzvah. Eddie, on the other hand, wanted to wear a coffee filter. Ken is welcome back any time he wants. Eddie will be eating alone on the balcony from now on.

Monday, September 29, 2008

day 29: catch the rat

so i'm walking home contemplating my new life plan of stocking up on non-perishable foods and trying (i will TRY.) to curb my shopping addiction because the freakin structures of our economy are collapsing around us.... i see this gem. oh new york always has a little trick up its sleeve for me!

first of all. this thing is huge. its on the side of a building. i couldn't draw a 8 1/2 x 11 sketch with charcoal in my drawing class in college in less than 3 hours. but some crazy new yorker took the time to give us this work of art. look at the detail! look at the passion!

a comment on our society? oh, i think so. what that comment is...... i have no idea. but there is a comment there! and its important, i can tell.....

ps. hello new readers. welcome. we like new readers so stay a while, won't you?

Day 28 plays for Gryffindor.

(Get over it.)

I walked past this on the way to the theatre this morning and I instantly fell in love with it. I forgot to even read the plaque underneath until I looked back at the picture later so I don't know why it's there. But winged beasts are awesome so that's all I need to know. Reminds me of a gryffin. There's another one just across the way facing it and I love them both. I think I'll name this one Ernie. It fits, don't you think? I'll visit Ernie every day on the way to work from now on. Ernie and I are BFF. Ernie gets me. Ernie likes my titles.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

day 28: buy a vowel

two things.

fish cakes? .... eww.
fish cakes + spaghtti... thats right, spaghtti. not to be confused with the popular italian dish, spaghetti. it can be confusing, but just try and focus.
(i lied, 3 things...) since when are fish and chips $14.50??

for the record, i would liked to never have my fish in any type of cake form and i would like my food spelled properly. that being said, this little midtown diner was packed. packed with customers eating fish cakes, i'm sure. midtown is its own special type of existence.

day 27: capturing movement

one of my favorite things to do in the city is ride buses all over the city. i know it seems lame and lonely, but its actually a great way to spend a day seeing the city. also, there's never any shortage of crazies on the buses so its all good in that department. i really can't seem to get tired of exploring the city via bus. also, i love playing around with shutterspeed to capture movement in pictures. i think they make for some of the most interesting photos.... but some people just see a giant blur. which is totally fine, too. to each their own. basically expect to see more of these!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 27: A Ken Comia Tribute

These tracks are right outside our stage door and I think they're awesome. Elevated tracks are only very recently part of my world (what what Astoria!) and they're still new and interesting to me. Plus Ken Comia likes trains and I like Ken Comia.

Day 26. That's all.

I've been told my titles are unfunny and annoying. Therefore I will no longer be using my charm and wit for good. It's come to this. I have joined the dark side. I will use my humor for evil. Just remember, you brought this on yourself.

I don't know either. I'm exhausted. I just thought this was cool. A mini-fire hydrant. It's short and useful. Like me. Or rather, compact. Short is offensive. It's no longer PC.

Again, I'm exhausted.

Friday, September 26, 2008

day 26: dark and stormy

26 days into pho[365] and it feels like forever! another short and sweet post tonight. the presidential debate is in 20 minutes!! im extremely excited and absolutely biased towards obama and got my obama/biden pin on and popcorn ready to go. (not 100 calorie packs aka. the devil - see day 16)

h'anyway, its a dark and stormy day here in new york. it was evening here by 6pm and that makes me sad. there were so many summer outfits that i didn't get to and now they will be tucked away into storage bins and under the bed for several months.

this is the "globe" outside my subway station. doesn't it kind of look like the moon? no? just me?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

day 25: what blog??

you guys!!! i almost forgot to post!! whaaaa?

perhaps you've walked by one of the 8.6 million ads for one of the dozen ABC shows all premiering this week ("national stay at home week" = fake thing), anyway.... if you did then you know that grey's anatomy had its premiere tonight. so i got all wrapped up in staring at my favorite television people for the past two hours shaking with excitement and holding in my pee for as long as i could so i could keep fast forwarding through commercials so the episode felt more like a feature film.... i made it about 45 minutes before it became a national emergency that i pee. h'anyway....then it was over and i got all nice and warm in my blanket and started to get tired and my eyes started to get droopy, and i started having thoughts about what i'll be wearing tomorrow, then i started seeing a bright light and mcdreamy walking towards me...... THEN i remembered about the blog! right when mcdreamy was about to enter into my life..... oh cruel world!!

so here's the pic. 700 billion dollars to whoever can tell me exactly whats happening in the picture. oh wait, we don't have that money. the govt wants us to GIVE them that money, no strings attached.... brilliant! why didn't we think of this sooner?? i say we all just send over our bank account info and pin's so they can just take out money whenever its convenient for them. umm, basically i should have an MBA and be president for coming up with that genius plan. thoughts? (i know, bitter party of two over here).

stay tuned tomorrow when i start falling asleep to my taped episode of project runway then remember about the pho[365]. goodnight!

Day 25 likes to see and be seen

I've already admitted my fascination with inside-out elevators and this one is really something. I stumbled into... this building (I have no clue what it is) in search of coffee at the ungodly hour of 10:30 this morning. Two things took my breath away instantly: first was the discovery of a coffee shop (score!) and second was this incredible building. I can't get past it. I've been thinking about how beautiful it is all day. And the elevator was just an added bonus. I've gotten pretty numb to architecture having looked at the same New York buildings daily for four years. To be excited about it again is... exciting!

Day 24 took the place for the view

This doesn't need much explanation. I'm so excited that I get to walk past this twice a day for the next four months. Pretty incredible.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

day 24: truth on every corner

have you guys been seeing these things everywhere. like "9-11" something something spray painted in red on the sidewalks? no joke! i see that everywhere i go. well, mostly downtown in the soho/downtown area, but still.... these came out of nowhere. someone please tell me where these are coming from! This is in the 59th street station at columbus circle. I for sure scared the crap out of this lady when i ran up behind her to take this picture. she was standing right in front of my shot and the train was coming, bitch needs to move!

anyway, thats it for today. short and sweet because i am tizired ya'll. goodnight!

ps. thank you to the 77 (count in. 77) people who read our blog. who are you people?? i love you all!

Day 23 likes repetition

But not as much as Day 22. Get it?! It was a very long day and so this isn't my most interesting subject of all time but it'll have to do. This building is directly across from mine and it's next to an ivy-covered stone cottage. The contrast is pretty remarkable and I really love both. I figured out that I particularly love the awning on this building which you only get to see a little bit in this shot. Initially a failure since I wanted to show the awning itself, I really like how the number is repeated, almost like a shadow. It's simple and elegant and it's all the brain capacity I have left for the day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

day 23: under construction

new york is in a constant state of construction. usually when there's no scaffolding over a sidewalk and i can see the whole front of a building i freak out. my brain can't comprehend it. where are the construction workers inappropriately whistling or making kissing noises in my face? (note to construction workers - stop. women hate it. seriously. we hate that shit. if i didn't think you'd kill me with a hammer or piece of wood, i would punch you then run away really fast.) where are the tall metal poles obstructing the sidewalk so you have to drop kick a tourist to the ground in order to get by. but mostly its how fast they get that shit down overnight. one day you're walking home from work and under scaffolding and the next morning.... nothing. clean sidewalks. a miracle i tell you.

so on that note.... here's some supah-fly scaffolding for you all. see how they built a wall to "protect" pedestrians from oncoming traffic. you'll be run over by a construction truck at the end of this walk way, but hit by oncoming traffic... you'll be safe.

Monday, September 22, 2008

day 22 is a monument

hello, monday. i must confess that the area around where i work is perfectly suited for picture taking. there are all these odd art "moments" that are intentional and sometimes unintentional. this particular beauty was written on the newly installed glass windows for some new high-end shop where you'll have to sell your first born in order to afford anything they sell. there are a ton of other interesting sayings that all around the windows so this one picture is not doing it justice by any means but this one caught my eye. the unstated question being "to whom?" or "of what?". these are questions that i won't pretend to know the answer to. but if there are any brave souls out there that want to give it a shot.... comment away!

They say that Day 22 became a wino

they say he always drank alone. Anyone catch the reference? To be completely honest, I'm having trouble the last couple days finding interesting pictures to take. Sometimes I just hold out my camera and snap whatever it happens to be pointing at. Like today. And then I couldn't choose between 6 of them. I finally chose this one. I just typed that before I actually chose. That too. I haven't decided yet.


Ok, this one:
I just put one in my post and deleted it. This is live, friends. Couldn't get more real. I'm stalling. I'm gonna go with this:

I think it's cool. Get over it.

Day 21 likes shiny things

This one is a little out there and avante garde. But I like it. It shows you can take interesting, artistic(ish) pictures of things even as mundane as elevator buttons.

Ps. I had a special Pho-dition of my blog yesterday with some pics of my trip to TO. Take a gander!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

day 21 is of legal age

right now i'm watching the emmy's and josh groban is awkwardly singing something from south park and its really..... awkward. h'anyway, just thought you should all know that i'm being part of the world and watching award shows. and almost every other show on television. that's right. i'm a big old television junky. its amazing i find the time to shower and like..... go to work.

i was watching the red carpet show for the emmy's (it was a big day of tv, okay. shh) and tom hanks and his wife made time to remind everyone to register to vote then go out and VOTE. i love how politically charged everyone seems to be at this crazy time in our world. it feels like a big ol' movement for something... big.... and isn't that exciting that we're a part of something!!

so technically this is graffiti, but i snapped it on the wall outside the deli near my apartment. Its a super fly home-printed obama sticker and i think its awesome. yay day 21!! our blog can now legally drink and..... VOTE!!

Day 20 isn't afraid of heights

I'm in Chicago! And I'm in my new apartment! And it costs more than you'll ever know! But look at this view! FROM MY BALCONY. I'll repeat that: balcony. What what!

day 20. new york in motion

2 glasses of wine.
1 margarita.
french fries.
kira canny.
chocolate ice cream.


(this blog is short and sweet tonight. partially because i'm late with this post and partially because i'm tired. good night, all!)

Friday, September 19, 2008

day 19. subway obsession?

you guys. i seriously take a lot of subway pictures. i just noticed this. why didn't anyone tell me?? by anyone i mean, once again, all 3 of our dedicated readers. (hello readers!!) i'm sorry for all these pictures and will try and pick shots that take place above ground.

i'm sure i could sit down and do some math and calculate the percentage of time i spend underground with my friends at the MTA but i don't do math and can't add or divide anything above single digits. so my best guess is this.... i spend too much fuckin time on the subway. today was one of those magical days where the train pulled in right as i was getting to the bottom of the stairs and the air conditioner was working, there were no smelly people and no chatty teenagers. there was an old man talking to himself as he napped across from me, but hey... you can't win em all. let's not get greedy here. i snapped this shot as the train was leaving the station after i got off at my stop. it was a curiously empty station and the lighting was nice so i thought, what the hell.... let's see if this picture comes out. and come out it did!!

ps. riding the subway is not the highlight of my day, despite my apparent obsession with it in this blog. the highlights of my day were: seeing a movie with my favorite girls and seeing rachel dratch there too!, frenchie soup and fries and the diner of mirrors (scary), and then buying some sexy box o' color at the duane reade (hey kira!).

happy friday, all!

Day 19 will stop for prayer and a quick bite to eat.

I had to run some errands this morning (afternoon=morning on a show schedule) and I came across this beautiful old church right outside Toronto Eaton Center. So I snapped this picture and then realized what the yellow sign says. So today you get one and a half for the price of one: the church itself and a close-up of the sign. Really put me in a spiritual mood. Also hungry...



Thursday, September 18, 2008

D18. how many ways can you shoot a glove?

today i spent a significant amount of time taking pictures of inanimate objects. they really make the best clients. they don't judge your photography, they let you take all the time you need to get the shot juuuuuuust right, and they don't complain. i hope my children behave similarly.

such photography required me to either be standing on a ladder hoping i didn't fall flat on my face or lying on the floor with the lens of the camera half an inch away from a stack of gloves. i felt like i was on the set of a jcrew shoot. so here's a little preview of my snazzy jcrew shots. does this count as my picture of the day? i did take it today and it is a picture so..... i'm gonna answer my own rhetorical question and say.... yes, yes it does.

Day 18's heart will not go on, apparently.

I took to the streets of Toronto today since I only have one day left. I retraced some steps and got some shots of things I missed the other night (those will be coming in the next couple days). This sign caught my attention since it's so specific. Clearly ALL karaoke elsewhere in the entire world sucks, as does all of Celine Dion's repertoire. Remember that the next time you do your sucky karaoke.


Ps. Look who posted first again... Pretty phuckin' rad, eh?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

day 17. jumbo sized metro card.

does anyone else feel like this week is flying by? Did monday happen? i can't be certain. is tomorrow really thursday?! this is glorious news. how i managed to pick an outfit out for 3 days of this week is a miracle from baby jesus.

today i had dinner with a good friend in union square. i may or may not have consumed several glasses of wine. anyway, on with my story. i caught the crosstown bus to my train and as i was leaving, realized my metro card was not in my back pocket where i had just put it. i run back on the bus, scream at the bus driver something that probably sounded like "METROCARD..... IN MY SEAT..... WHERE?!.......CHECKING......PLEASE......METROCAAAAAARD... WHY??" in my head i was kindly asking the driver if i could go check my seat, but i realize now i for sure screamed in his face. he'll live.

long story short, that shit was in my purse and not on the seat or in my back pocket. which leads me to this..... how do people keep track of their metrocards? its one of the most difficult tasks of my life. i lose it at least once a day, only to find it someplace i swear i didn't put it (under my keyboard, next to my phone at work, near my cereal in the morning.... why?), then i freak out, cry a little and die inside. other people must have this problem, right? or am i the only idiot who can't keep it straight and keep track of her shit. in my defense, that card is as thick as a sheet of kleenex. granted its the most disgusting shade of MTA yellow so how can you lose it? every time i look at it i lose brain cells. if only i could get a special mama size card. like 8 1/2 x 11, laminated and with a locating device so i could never lose it. that would be sweet.

someone go invent that for me. thanks.

(oh, and here's a picture. enjoy!)

Day 17: The Arrival.

(play this while you read, it'll set the mood!)

In the beginning there was light...

...followed by darkness....

...followed by darker darkness....

...but in the end

good triumphed over evil.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 16: Statuesque

This statue is right on University Ave which runs between my hotel and the theatre. It's on an island in the middle of traffic and I have no idea who or what it actually is (it's an angel or goddess of some kind) but I think it's gorgeous. It blends right in to all the incredible architecture of Toronto but also stands out against the modern office buildings. I wish (as usual) that I could show you a better picture of it but this gets the point across. That's it for today. Short and sweet.


day 16. how to burn popcorn

is nothing sacred anymore??? this is what i get for trying to be food conscious. 100 CALORIE PACKS OF POPCORN ARE THE DEVIL. this shit exploded in the microwave at work! it exploded out of the bag. it kept popping even as i was leaving the microwave and walking back to my desk. i let out this squeal that not even dogs could hear and that was all kinds of embarassing. and we all know about the burnt popcorn smell. it took over the entire floor. not to mention it wasn't even semi-edible burnt popcorn. basically i made charcoal. charcoal-y popcorn that melted and burnt a hole through the popcorn bag. i could have burned down the building, people! all because of an innocent mid-day snack. oh the perils of office life.

Monday, September 15, 2008

real women have curves. [day15]

this is probably one of my most favorite pictures to date. I have no idea how long it's been on this wall, but i desperately wished i had noticed it sooner. its so fun!! but seriously, how did it get here. I've been taking this street to the train after work for almost 3 months and this is the first i'm seeing of this goodness.

ps. how did elie manage to post before me?? its a miracle! a beautiful canadian miracle! (note: stop being in another country. also stop using 'ph', we all hate it. all 3 of us. we've gotten together and discussed it and have decided it needs to go. kbye.)

Day 15: The Mall

Phor the phirst time in history (two weeks) I'm posting phirst. How phun! I'm also ophicially putting out blog's title in practice. All "F"s shall now be replaced with "Ph"s. Because I phucking said so. It'll catch on.

Today, my phirst phree day since I've been here, I ventured out to Yonge and Dundas Streets! If you don't know what that is, don't worry. I don't either. Apparently it's part of the downtown shopping district here in TO and it sure is hoppin'. I'm in the largest mall I've ever seen and guess what I phound among all the Gaps and American Eagles and Abercrombie and Phitchs? Phree WiPhi! Holla! So I wipped out my computer and hopped on the world-wide winternet to bring you this photo (actually spelled with a "ph"). The elevators in this mall (oh, it certainly is three phloors) are the glass kind that aren't enclosed so you can see all the inner-workings. I think they're pretty nifty and especially against the glass and grid ceiling. I was trying to get a better shot of the ceiling and all three floors up here on the top but it wasn't working. This came out much cooler and you still get to see some of the ceiling. Enjoy, phaithphul readers!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 14: Two Week Phoversary!

It feels like we've been doing this for an eternity and it's really only been two weeks. But what a two weeks it's been, huh? Okay, here's my deal. I tried to plan ahead and it ended poorly. I thought I was being incredibly smart and I'm feeling pretty stupid. Tired of paying $10 for coffee and breakfast every morning I figured I'd get some supplies and eat one meal a day in my room. I'm here for the next week, I can do with a box of cereal and some milk. So I stop by a convenience store on the way home last night and pick up a few things. Thinking about how much milk I'll need I opt for a half-gallon figuring I can finish that in a week easy (with the help of the Oreos I also picked up). When I got back last night I tried to rearrange the mini-fridge to make room and I got the milk to fit by laying it down. Tonight I go for some milk and Oreos and after pouring a glass, I realize the now open milk can't lie down anymore. I'm left with almost the whole carton and nowhere to keep it cold. So I start pouring. I filled the other glass from the mini-bar, both coffee cups and the coffee pot from the coffeemaker. Now the carton is empty and in the trash and my mini-fridge is packed full of open containers of milk. Oy...


done and done.

that "done and done" refers to week 2 of pho365!!! i think we're kind of kick ass for getting this far and doing an (almost) perfect job of keeping up with our daily postings. thank you to our readers.... i think we've gone from 0 to 3 (hi friends!) of you guys and we're happy to have you on board! a classy shout out to my cohort who has been keepin up despite not having a camera. we'll forgive him, because he's in another country with strange foreign money full of colors and hotels that charge for internet.

i now leave you with this. i love subway shots so much. but i see a picture one way in my mind and then face the gruesome discovery of underexposure of my pictures and i feel the magic of the picture lost. anyone with any hints on conquering the grim world of subway photography, let me know!!

Day 13: The day that never ended.

Seriously. You don't want to know how many hours I was at the theatre today. I don't even want to know. I wish the cam on my computer was better (actually I wish I had a real camera) and I wish you could see the whole thing because it really is amazingly beautiful. The whole building is dark wood, intricate red velvet wallpaper, chandelliers, ornate framed mirrors and pictures and huge sweeping staircases. It's pretty incredible when I get a quick second to stop and look around. This is a tiny, tiny portion of the massive downstairs lobby at the Royal Alexandra Theatre (RAT) in Toronto. You can see the huge chandellier and GIANT bar in the background. I really like it and I've been sitting down there to read when I can catch a few free minutes.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

day 13: new york and family

after a beautiful bike ride through central park, a rest break was much needed. this is a shot from the fountain in columbus circle. possibly one of my most favorite places to go and sit next to sheeps meadow. I've seen a wide range of strange people and strange scenes, this one is pretty common but i was struck by how much these kids looked like a family of friends, just sleeping in the middle of a fountain in the middle of a city. then i got to thinking about how sometimes, this city has a way of really reminding you about how lonely your life is, and that no matter your circumstances.... its nice to have a little family. i'm glad these kids have each other as family. but really i hope they find some place warm and dry to sleep tonight.

Day 12: Bottoms Up!

I admit it, alright??! I haven't bought a camera yet. I've been... busy. Sleeping, gyming, watching movies, maybe stopping by the theatre for a bit. It's taking up a lot of my time. I will get one, I promise. Soon the days of lame computer photos will be a thing of the past. With those limitations in mind, bear with me.

Today I present to you: the contents of my mini-bar. I've been trying hard not to have too much from the mini-bar because it requires a mortgage, three credit cards and the promise of all of my naturally-born children to pay off each smoked almond. But as I open it to gaze longingly nine times a day, I was shocked by the sheer number of alcoholic options: 2 wines, 2 beers and 11 mini-bottles of the hard stuff. That could fuck you up! For like... an hour. But still, what an hour it would be. I like them all arranged here like this. It's like they're a family. Or an army. I need friends...


Friday, September 12, 2008

a long and smelly day

This morning someone farted on my A train to work and I almost passed out because the fumes of death were circling around me and causing me to slowly choke. I’m not sure how I survived. Followed by that experience, I was walking to work and this woman walked by, no less than 2 feet away from me and I kid you not, she smelled like she had cut onions and then rubbed them all over her body, then used the extra cut onion juices to wash her face with. I just gave up on life.

But you know who doesn’t give up. Superhero action figure people who are tied to the bars on windows. Oh no. oh no my friends. They press on. The will not give up. They’ll say.... Come here with your fart and we’ll take it like the HEROS WE ARE. Then they’ll say, listen up onion woman, the people have had enough of your rancid stank. CLEAN IT UP! Dove that shit up until you smell like fresh spring rain or mountain poppies or some shit.

Oh yes, my friends. Superhero action figures. Tied to a window. Rock on.

Day 11: Torontotally365

(Suck on that comedy, SH!)

I'm sorry this post is 4 minutes late. There have been internet issues. No excuse, I realize. I am deeply ashamed. And now I'm over it. This is something I know you all have been waiting desperately to see. I give you... THE DIRTY DANCING MERCH BOOTH!!


Get a load of that beauty. More Pepto-Bismol Pink than you could ever want. Just think... soon I'll own four of these suckers. Coming soon to a city near you.**

**Only if you live near our cities.

Today was Sept 11 and it was the first time I've felt so detached from it. It occurred to me late in the day that I'm in a different country where it's clearly not as big a deal. Still it always makes me stop and think and feel very thankful for many things in my life.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

mmm, morning

It was (is) a picturesque morning in new york. Slightly overcast, but still beautiful patches of blue and white clouds in the sky. a lovely fall chill in the air which started just a few days ago and gives me a good excuse to wear all the scarves i own without lookin like a fool.

fall is a comin' kids!!! i don't know that i've ever really appreciated the coming of fall in the city. usually i'm overwhelmed and upset by school happening, but not this time. perhaps i'll get to enjoy it this year. (fall, not school.... college was not a thing i ever enjoyed).

anyway, look at these pears!! seeing things like this always fills me with visions of martha stewart and huge center pieces with flowing vines of dry fruit and strange sparklies all over them. but mostly they make me hungry.

also, today being the anniversary of 9/11, let's remember the lives lost and lives forever changed as a result of the tragedy.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

day 10, comin at ya on time?! whaaaa?

i call this one "Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton, DVD, Rolex, Louis Vuitton". it's probably my favorite part of walking to work and walking to lunch and walking to get coffee and also walking to get fruit and walking to the train..... really, its just beautiful. i always wonder.... don't they see me ignore them every single day??? i know they see me. and i see them. i will break them until we have an understanding and they stop harassing me. I WILL BREAK THEM.

that being said, some of those purses look pretty good, no?

Day 10: Not late at all!

Whew, it's been quite a day huh? The last three days all crammed into one. I hope you're staying hydrated. It's tough work for you sitting there in your jammies eating ice cream right from the carton and pretending to care about these photos (oh yeah, I can see you...). The last one for now is the view from my hotel window. What I've seen of Toronto so far (not much at all, just the drive from the airport to the hotel) is really beautiful. I'm excited to get out and explore a bit when I'm not so exhausted. Look at my view!

Photobucket Image Hosting

Day 9: 1 day late...

Hey, at least it's not two days late, right??! Heh heh... Anyway, this awful picture of me comes courtesy of one Ms. Aislinn "ARE YOU THREE YEARS OLD?????" Hernandez. The answer is yes, she is. There we are walking down the street, I'm totally silent, haven't said a word, certainly haven't said anything mean or sarcastic, and with a vengeful hatred in her eyes she dumps a giant bucket of water all of me!! Okay, I may have said something mean and she may have poured a slight bit of water on my shoulder but still! It could've happend that way. Here's the shoulder she drenched.

Photobucket Image Hosting

Two in a row??

I’d like to apologize (again) to our readers (my sister) for being late. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!! That being said, I’m going to delight you all with two pictures today. There will still be my actual picture for today (day 10) which will be comin your way later in the afternoon.

This beautiful beauty of beautifulness (???? I need coffee.) was taken on 46th and 6th ave. and I think its quite a bargain. You can’t get anything for under $1 nowadays, let alone DREAMS. This is good business people. Let’s all sell things that are not tangible at bargain prices. In fact, I’d like to announce the opening of my new bargain discount store, $.24 JOY.

This is a little snapshot of your much loved pho365 founders.

Day 8: 2 days late...

I know, I know. I've been MIA and I'm sorry for it. I write to you from the far-off land of Canadia where I'm training for my big-boy job which I will officially begin on my own in two weeks. Brief recap: I was home in California through Day 7, at which point I hopped back on over to Nueva York to see my homies (and do some work for said big-boy job). So that left me with no camera of my own, limited internet access and no time for blogging Photastically. So I will now make up three (3) posts in one sitting. How exciting for you, dear reader! We have a lot of ground to cover so let's get going.

Part of seeing the gang when I was back in New York was a going away shindig at our favorite Asian Pub down in Cooper Sq. I was amazed and touched by how many people came and all the cards (and Phocredible scrapbook) that I got. Thank you a million times over to everybody for all of that. As the night when on (and the bar tab grew larger), some truly inspiring dancing took place and I was there to capture it on film. Here is Aislinn "Co-Phounder" Herndandez and one our bestest pals (best=gayest) BCurl cuttin' up a rug. Boogie on, reggae woman!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

damn, we missed it

i'd like to apologize on behalf of myself and my cohort for missing day 8. we were held up in a little pub of the asian kind and thoroughly distracted by $4 drinks and delicious asian fusion food. it was a beautiful reunion and we were not near our computers, but there pictures a plenty! here's my official day 8 (9/8/08) pick!

(look for another post this evening for today's pic)