back in the new york pho365 action! i can't say it enough, i'm obsessed with shots like these. i literally could stand in one place and take pictures of cars going by for hours. but i try and control myself so that you loyal readers don't get too bored.
on an awesome note - i'd like to officially welcome the seattle edition of phototally 365 (bookmark this link and read it everyday)!!! Kira is an amazing, trashy, hilarious, super cool and hip friend of ours who now lives in Seattle. She has caught the pho[bug] and today was day 1.
If anyone feels the spirit move you to start their own photo blog YOU SHOULD DO IT!! I know we have readers out there in Hawaii, Cali, Mass., Texas, DC, and foreign lands like Astoria and Brooklyn...... and the people need to see your pics!!
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