Sunday, October 5, 2008

day 35: no kissy couples

have you guys seen the movie "A lot Like Love"?? it's one of my current faves and i just dvr'd it and watched it last night even though i own it and have for sure seen it at least 15 times. its just so much lovey-gooey-young love-goodness and it goes very well with my pint of mango sorbet.

anyway, to my point. amanda peet's character in the movie gets into photography and starts exploring taking pictures that look a lot like this one but usually there's a very still and very unblurred couple in front of the blur kissing. it melts my heart. all that is missing in this picture is a perfect little couple kissing. well this is new york and nothing quite works that way. suck it, i present you this picture, kissy-couple-less, and i'm quite okay with that.

ps. NO MORE SICKNESS!!!! (minor sore throat, but hello clear nasal passages!! mama's back!!)

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