Saturday, November 8, 2008

day 69: autumn colors

POW! there it is. a little box full of Fall. i dont know what half of these are. are they edible? are they solely for martha stewart decorating purposes? are they supposed to be so bumpy?

but the most important question.... can any of these mystery items be made into a pie?? i'm craving a pumpkin pie like you don't even know and i think i see a little baby pumpkin in there. and to that pumpkin i say this.... get in my belly.


Elie said...

They're gourds, genius. Welcome to Vegetation of the Mainland.

Unknown said...

buy some damn pumpkin in a can. its waaayyy easier!


Aislinn said...

i don't need judgement from either of you! in fact.... i'm gonna go out and by a pumpkin pie right. now. hmph.