Saturday, February 28, 2009

day 180: i love cheesecake

i love any place that loves cheesecake and soho loves cheesecake.

I don't love the calories that come with cheesecake, but I'll make that sacrifice in the name of the cheesecake. Lucky (unlucky) for me, there's a delicious cheesecake store about 5 minutes from work. This is a problem. Its actually going to be a bigger problem once the warm weather really arrives and i'm more likely to enjoy walks outside during my lunch and its really a high possibility that those walks will take me right here.... to the door of the cheesecake store. i'm both angry and thrilled about this.

(number of times I wrote "cheesecake" in this post: 7)

1 comment:

Elie said...

All of these look so delicious!