Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 115 can't follow simple instructions

I love me some Oreos. Always have, always will. Nothin' better than a package of Oreos, a glass of cold milk and a couch full of... well, me. (Note: Hydrox are an acceptable, though secondary, alternative.) I almost never buy them but when I do splurge, I stand in the cookie aisle at the grocery store and do battle between the Double Stuffed and Reduced Fat and always end up with the Reduced Fat. They taste exactly the same! Or maybe it's just been so long since I've had the real ones... Anyway, this new package opens from the top and reseals to "keep in the freshness" (totally better when they're stale) and comes with this warning(?) on the side. "STOP"?? Like an alarm will go off? Will the world as we know it come to screeching halt if I open the package like normal? I think this is a bit over-stated, don't you?

Day Four! Happy Channuka!

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