...or was that on the beach? I'm Jewish, what do I know. Winter in Chicago! They ain't playin' around! This is serious snow, friends. Not that fake crap we get in New York. Or that man-made fake stuff we board on in Tahoe. Or that really fake crap we get once every ten years for two and a half minutes in the Bay Area. Legitly (for you, A&R) serious for-realsies SNOW. On the plus side, I'm finally getting good use out of my super expensive North Face boots (thanks, Imma!). Is it Jan 18 yet?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Day 111 walked with Jesus...
...or was that on the beach? I'm Jewish, what do I know. Winter in Chicago! They ain't playin' around! This is serious snow, friends. Not that fake crap we get in New York. Or that man-made fake stuff we board on in Tahoe. Or that really fake crap we get once every ten years for two and a half minutes in the Bay Area. Legitly (for you, A&R) serious for-realsies SNOW. On the plus side, I'm finally getting good use out of my super expensive North Face boots (thanks, Imma!). Is it Jan 18 yet?
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