Wednesday, March 18, 2009

day 199: ahh, yes.... spring

one of my favorite, FAVORITE, favorite (!!) times of the year is the switch from winter to spring. oh man! i don't know what it is about the imminent warm(ish) weather, but the people of new york just lose their shit. everyone seems about 2 seconds away from stripping off all their clothes and dancing naked in the streets! It'll be 55º, and you find the ladies with the short skirts, open toe heels, tanks, no jacket.... etc. this is amazing to me! where are your clothes?? yes, its warmer than yesterday's 30º, but it is certainly not warm enough to be inappropriately under dressed! oh, these people bring joy to my heart. i could stop and stare all day!

phew.... glad i got that off my chest. this photo made me ridiculously happy because i got the sense that others out there understand my joy about the premature nudity of new yorkers with the incoming warmth. enjoy!

1 comment:

The DJF said...

Also, when the warm weather comes back, the gays return to the wild.