Tuesday, June 30, 2009
day 302: what city is this?
day 301: a summer beverage
Sunday, June 28, 2009
day 300: castle in the sky
This castle on the corner of my street has been a point of confusion for me since I moved up here. What is it? Where did it come from? What was it before? Why did someone choose to build this castle like structure on the UWS and who exactly lives here? I see people going in and out throughout the day, but I still can't quite nail down who these residents are. It will remain a mystery - at least until i finally get motivated enough to google this.
(ps. its my 300th post y'all!! Only 65 more days of this nifty and awesome blogject of ours!)
day 299: bike this way
Saturday, June 27, 2009
day 298: caught in the storm
Day 298 is at peace
I went to my favorite spot for lunch today. It's in Westwood which is officially known as "Westwood Village" and often called "The Village". I think it's an apt title since it feels like LA's answer to Greenwich Village. Laid back, lots of students, many big name stores but also smaller boutiques, streets at weird angles with awesome bookstores and cafes and restaurants and movie theatres tucked away... I love spending the afternoon there reading, window-shopping, drinking coffee, etc. I took this shot from the top of the parking garage today and I think it has the right feeling for the day: calm, sunny, relaxed, beautiful, simple. It was a nice day.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Day 297 has gone to the birds
LA has cool paintings on the sides of these electrical boxes. Palo Alto has some public art exhibit sort of like this but I've never seen anything as varied as LA's take on it. While getting gas tonight I spotted this one and I took the opportunity (takes a while for the tank to fill up and my bank account to drain) to grab a shot. I don't know what the hell it is but I think it's pretty nifty.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
day 297: thai cooking

just a word on today's passings...
what a terrible reminder of how short life is to have the passing of two great cultural icons. no one is invincible, tomorrow isn't guaranteed and life is precious. rip Michael and Farrah.
day 296: puddles
evidence of this never ending rain is everywhere. mainly in garbage filled puddles and wet streets in general. snapped this shot near the my subway stop by work. kinda of liked how it came out, really shows how muddy and nasty NY has been lately. man, i can't wait for summer to finally get here......
Day 296: Holey tire, Batman!
So... this happened. Cars, repairs, tickets, flat tires... it's all such a pain in the ass. I love driving, don't get me wrong, but it's such a hassle to deal with all this crap. And expensive, too. I'll tell you though. Getting back in the car and driving home after it was replaced, I've never appreciated solid tires more. One of those things you don't even realize you take for granted.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Day 295 eats its Kix
Day 294 is alight with wonder
I've probably been to Disneyland 15 times in my life. Yesterday was the first Electrical Light Parade I'd ever seen. Shocking, I know. More shocking? It's been going on since the 70s! Who knew?? It's pretty spectacular and I'd highly recommend it. It's pretty difficult, however, to take pictures of moving lights in complete darkness. This shot isn't bad (and you get half of Mickey as a bonus) but it took several tries to get it even this close.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
day 295: warning - adult content
day 294: soho blue

Monday, June 22, 2009
day 293: will it stay or will it go?
i'd like to use the symbolism in this picture to discuss the rain situation in new york. i'm calling it a situation because it's become unbearable and needs to be addressed. in the past 30 days, it's rained 24 of those days.
what is the problem here?! how am i supposed to sport my super cute new, perfect for summer gladiator flats if the elements are working against me?
so in this picture we have the "go" on the left. go for rain. on the right we have the "stop" hand. stop the rain and stop the freaking twilight zone of new york weather.
i'm leaning right here. that is all.
what is the problem here?! how am i supposed to sport my super cute new, perfect for summer gladiator flats if the elements are working against me?
so in this picture we have the "go" on the left. go for rain. on the right we have the "stop" hand. stop the rain and stop the freaking twilight zone of new york weather.
i'm leaning right here. that is all.
Day 29(3)
I think it's hilarious when people correct public signs. Improper grammar, bad spelling, false statements, etc. But this takes it to a whole new level. {lease note the palm tree as a size reference. This thing is massive. We're talking 5 or 6 stories high. Someone had to really care a whole lot to climb up there and make the change. Hats off to you, whoever you are.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
day 292: U Like?
i've been talking about taking a picture of this place for a while. I guess its not a surprise to find a chinese food place with a strange, nonsensical name. This is no exception. The food is terrible and the workers are scary, so i plan on never eating here again, but the name makes me laugh every time... the quotes are the best part! "U" like?
day 291: rain with a chance of blue skies
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day 291 is awe-ful
Day 289 reflects back.
Sometimes I point my camera just anywhere or line up a shot at just anything and snap for a while. Trying to choose a favorite from the results is often harder than picking a photo that I've slaved over. I call these "happy accident" shots. Wednesday was one of those days. I have about 20 shots of my side mirror and I still can't pick the best one. I like this one because the scenes out the window and in both mirrors are nicely balanced. Also the two mirrors don't seem to be reflecting the same things which is pretty cool. Limiting myself to one photo per day is hard!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
day 290: holy motherboard!
Note to all: never take apart an imac. it is scary. and many, many even scarier tools are involved in the process. There were parts held together with scotch tape. I never want to know this about my computers ever!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
day 289: a classic scene
Day 288 is an oxymoron. Or is it?
If you counted up the number of trips I've made to Staples over the last year, I think you'd find that Encore Merchandise is keeping them afloat. The one on Sunset has this sticker on the door underneath a sensor that makes it look as though the door will open automatically. And maybe it did at some point. This is no longer the case. Props to the joker who corrected the sign.
Day 287 doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I spent a few hours with my parents yesterday at the San Diego Zoo. I'd been when I was very little but I barely remember it. If you've never been, book yourself a trip to the West Coast just for this. It's the most incredible zoo I've ever seen. We weren't able to figure out exactly how big the place is but suffice it to say the new Elephant Odyssey exhibit is 7.5 acres. This place is enormous. Our tour guide taught us all that "flock" is not the correct term to use for flamingos. They hang out in a "flamboyance". I took over a hundred pictures during the day but this one came out the best. I forgot how much I love the zoo.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
day 288: the trash is fabulous

anyway - this just seemed sooo new york to me. beauty, trash, and the city co-existing. perfect.
Monday, June 15, 2009
day 287: all the lonely people
day 286: red light special
Day 286. Namaste.
We found this new sushi place, Kabuki, right near work. Amazing food, insanely low prices, incredible happy hour specials, half a block from the theatre. Plus the whole thing is decorated Asian temple-fusion-mod-Hollywood-chic-club-extravagance. It's weird and cool and we love it. This is hanging on the wall right inside the door and I think it's awesome. When I figure out what it actually is I'll let you know.
Day 285 gets back to nature
Day 284 284
Sunday, June 14, 2009
day 285: exotic food from far away lands
day 284: traveling long distances

Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 283 is a bargain-hunter
Virgin Megastore, as you all probably know, is going out of business. The stores in New York have been closed for while but the one on Hollywood here in LA is closing this weekend. Currently the entire store is marked down to 70% off. Imagine, if you will, Black Friday at Filene's Basement or Macy's but condensed down to half a store. I can't even describe the madness. I got some incredible deals on DVDs but it was a taxing two days of shopping. This is just one wall after the masses have clawed through it. Utter insanity.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
day 283: random acts of inspiration

Day 282 respects.
If you don't know who Yitzhak Rabin is you should. I remember his assassination as one of the first major events of my lifetime. Obviously I didn't understand the full importance in second grade but it was a big moment. Driving down Ventura today I noticed this sign while stopped at a light and I'm really happy it's there. He was a great man and will not soon be forgotten.
Day 281 is star-hunting
I just went to grab some coffee yesterday and I stumbled upon a full-on film shoot. I have no clue what they were working on or who the "stars" were but it was very intense. Their setup was rather complex as the restaurant they were using was still open to the public; so long as you didn't walk through the shot. I snapped this shot and happened to catch the cameraman yawning which is pretty funny. LA is so wacky!
Day 280 is the happeist post on earth
For those not in the know, I've been a Disney-going fiend the last few weeks. I got me a shiny new AP and now I can park hop for "free". This past Monday we finally did "It's a Small World" which I haven't been on since I was very little. It brought back a lot of memories of my grandpa who used to take us to the park. Annoying as that song is and as lame as you might think the ride is, it's still a classic and it holds a special place in my Disnoid heart. This is one of the few shots that actually came out well and I think it's pretty nifty. It is a small world, after all.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
day 282: in the window
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
day 281: strawberry fields?
Monday, June 8, 2009
day 280: leave your mark
took my camera out for another test run today. This time for just about 10 minutes while running to a printer. I really like how this shot came out, mostly because of what the buildings in the background add to the picture. This is really what my area of soho/chinatown feels like to me. I wish it had been a little bit of a sunnier day, but oh well.... can't win em all!
(ps. i know you can't really see a lot of detail in this small pic, but if you click the pics, they'll open up at full size and you can see the details better. enjoy!)
Day 279 likes change
New pizza place near the theatre! Much cheaper than our old one. We're always looking for good places to eat near work that don't cost the whole paycheck. Tonight was our test run and it's a hit! We walked in and found the sign above the counter that says "change is for customers only". Problem is, sitting on the counter was the entire contents of the cash register and no one guarding it. Confused, we wondered if we were allowed to take the change since we were customers. We're still laughing about it 6 hours later.
Day 278 is... um...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
day 279: all my bags are packed
day 278: from inside out
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
day 277: the yellow side bar
day 276: morning cup of joe
Day 276 goes glatt
Remember this? I found more at the same 7-11! D and I tried some weird cookie marshmallowy chocolate-vanilla thing tonight. It was pretty good but Parve, so I'll have to go back and look for actual Milchik chocolate. This city is awesome!
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